Meet The Robinsons!!

Welcome to our page! Here you will find a bunch of good deals and alot of talk about coupons! Throw in some tidbits about our crazy life and pics of the kiddos and you have it... The Robinson's Crazy Couponing Life!!

I'm Kayla and the main author of this blog, well really the only author! I'm just an ordinary mom of 3 kids, Blake, Drew, and Lexi. I only work part time as a LPN so I don't miss out on too much of my kids' lives! To help out with the financial aspect of our lives I coupon! I love it and it really does save us tons of money. One year I tracked the amount of coupons I used from Jan-June....The total...$3000! I buy most of the kids' clothes on clearance the year before and stock up on Christmas presents all year long!


Subtotal $917.94 - Cpn $684 = New total $232.98


$497.99 - $270.98 = $227.01


$484.04 - $329.68 = $15.36


$818.82 - $572.46 = $246.36


$291.76 - $160.13 = $131.63

Grand Totals

Subtotals: $3010.55

Coupons: $2018.21

New Totals: $992.04

Average Savings of 67%

I've also "made" $93 in CVS extra care bucks plus about $40 in rebates!!!

My better half is my husband, Dan. He works for our local fire department as a Paramedic. He loves my good deals as much as I do!! Who wouldn't when you save so much money!!

Blake is our oldest child. He will be 5 in December. He loves trains and could probably teach you a thing or two about them!

Drew is our soon to be 3 year old. He has sooo much energy and spunk! The faces he makes will just crack you up! He's currently into Buzz lightyear or as he likes to say butt year!

Lexi is the newest addition to our family. She's our little princess as the boys like to call her.

I keep telling my kids to stop growing, but they just don't listen!